
Project Description Link
Cloud Resume Challenge cloud resume.png A serverless cloud resume website
  • HTML, CSS, Javascript
  • Git, GitHub, GitHub Actions
  • Amazon Web Services, AWS Serverless Application Model, AWS SAM CLI
  • Lambda, DynamoDB, API Gateway, S3, Route53, Certificate Manager
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Serverless-Application-Pet-Cuddle-O-Tron whiskers.avif Serverless AWS Application for Pet Cuddle Reminders
  • This is the IaC implementation of the AWS project by Adrian Cantrill that involves implementing a simple serverless application using S3, API Gateway, Lambda, Step Functions, SNS, and SES.
  • The application loads from an S3 bucket, communicates with lambda and step functions, and enables the configuration of reminders for pet cuddles to be sent via email.

Blog Page
Grafana Dashboards with AWS CloudWatch Metrics image.png Grafana dashboards visualising metrics for AWS services
  • CloudWatch as Grafana data source
  • Custom dashboards for EC2 instances, Lambda functions
Blog Page
Continuous Integration using Jenkins, Nexus, Sonarqube and Slack Continuous Integration Project using the tools above. Slack notifications get sent after every successful build.
  • AWS Account, Jenkins, Java SDK 8, Nexus, Sonarqube, Maven